Oh, The Places You'll Go!

I’m gonna be honest. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually read the book that the title of this post is referencing(like, we’re talking since my childhood). But it’s Dr. Seuss, so there’s no doubt in remembering it being great.


These words from that title came to mind from looking at this current season. David talks about this with God in Psalm 16: 6 when he says, “Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places”. It may not always feel like that, but it’s true. I feel that this is not just what God wants to do for David, or even just myself, but for everyone. What this season has taught me is that the “pleasant path” often looks a lot stranger than we expect.

Let’s be real for a moment: we’re more often than not, pretty limited in our thinking to the scope of what our path in life looks like. God, on the other hand, never runs out of new ideas and likes to take us weird places. By weird, I mean, things that are above our comprehension of logic.

If you had told me 5 years ago, even 2, where my path would lead me, I would laugh at you(respectfully, of course) and tell you that doesn’t make sense. But then again…

God isn’t really concerned with making “sense”. He’s more concerned with making paths for our lives that lead us to the destinies He has for each and every one of us.

We get scared, as I do, that the dreams we hold won’t come true because the path we’ve followed doesn’t make sense with the logic of the world. And in a sense, that’s true. At least, if you wanna get there the same way just like others have before, maybe the weird path isn’t for you. But if you want, and are willing, to go somewhere completely new, where others may have never ventured, then you have to be willing to go off the map and look “weird” to everyone else.

There are commonalities and pieces of wisdom that carry through the spectrum of everyone’s lives, but each of us hold a story that is only ours, uniquely written by Him, because He never runs out of new ideas.

So if you’re like me, in a completely new place that seems weird, compared to where you thought the path was leading next, just remember:

If you’re willing to go to the weird places, you’ll discover the new places. Don’t settle for living out other people’s stories. Live out the new one He made only for you.

*Photo Credit: Matthew Freres

*Photo Credit: Matthew Freres

How did I get here?

It certainly has been a long time since I've written anything here on my blog. I can't even begin to describe how much has happened and how vastly life has changed in this period of time.  

Everything from saying goodbye to friends and family to moving out to California to pursue my dreams in film. You know, the little stuff. 

Anyways, as I sit here in Los Angeles on this cool morning enjoying a cup of coffee and book before work, I'm struck with one thought:

How did I get here? 

Moving to California has certainly put so much into perspective for me, including leaving my family and friends in Illinois.  

I ask this question, because I have had so many moments lately of questioning how I will make it moving forward. When you live a life of pursuing your true dreams and passion, it can honestly be terrifying and make you question everything about who you are. If we're not careful, these doubts and fears can hold us back not only from moving forward, but from living fully present in the moment today. 

But I have found that when I ask myself how I did, in fact, get here, I begin to see my whole journey in life up until this point. In seeing this, I realize not only how much I've worked and sacrificed, but how blessed and moved by God I've been to get here. When I take all of this in and see all that has gone into getting to this present moment, the fear begins to slip away because I realize that my story has been so intentional thus far and God has put too much into my life for me to give into doubt and give up now.  

I share this not to put a sole focus on my life but as an encouragement to everyone reading this. We all experience doubt and fear with how to move forward in our lives, especially when we care so deeply about where we're going. But if you take a moment to ask yourself simply how you got here, then that reflection of your journey may be the answer you need to move forward. 

Your story is too important to give up on now. God says so. I agree. Hopefully you will too.  



March Forth

March Forth

Many of us let fear run our lives.

For too long and too many times in my life, I've allowed myself to become a slave to fear. Many dreams and hopes have been inside of my heart for a long time; things that I've felt God calling me to pursue. And yet, I still have allowed fear at times to overpower these dreams.

Stand Your Ground

Stand Your Ground

Whenever we come across an opposing force blocking our path in life, it's tempting to feel anxious and fearful.

It's never planned and always unexpected. Caught off guard, we realize that this force won't let us move forward and we become doubtful of the path that lies ahead. But we we're not created to be fearful and doubtful.

Desperate for Depth

Desperate for Depth

How far are we willing to swim? Will we let the depth of the ocean scare us? Or will we let it excite us at the possibility of what God has in those waters?

Life is too short to settle for shallow. The deeper I grow in intimacy with God, the more I realize how deep love and existence can be with Him. But that realization comes with a choice: how deep are we willing to go with Him?

The Beautiful Struggle

The Beautiful Struggle

I don't believe we always realize the moment when we become an adult.

This realization of new maturity seems to creep up and surprise us. At least for me, it's seemed too. I can look back on this past season of life and see each step of growth into deeper maturity. But I didn't necessarily always think of myself as an "adult" during that process. I more so felt like a struggling 23 year old just trying to figure out the new complications life brings as you move forward. 

Timing is Everything

Timing is Everything

How many times in our life have we heard that phrase, "Timing is everything."? 

I know for myself that hearing those words has both encouraged and infuriated me all at once. The encouragement comes from the knowledge that good things happen in their proper time; that those blessings WILL happen. The infuriation comes from the thought that I may have to wait instead of getting what I want today. 

The Lives We Show

The Lives We Show

We all seem to constantly advertise our lives.

I do. With social media, it seems to be a constant updating and maintaining of my digital life for all of my friends to see. It's amazing what we're all able to share and experience with each other over the internet. It's a part of what I am doing now with this blog post; writing it and posting it online for you to read.