March Forth

Many of us let fear run our lives.

For too long and too many times in my life, I've allowed myself to become a slave to fear. Many dreams and hopes have been inside of my heart for a long time; things that I've felt God calling me to pursue. And yet, I still have allowed fear at times to overpower these dreams.

By God's grace, I won't stand for this any longer.

I wasn't created to let fear guide my path. Time here on this earth is too short and valuable to water down dreams, in hopes that we might not fail. 

We need to let go of fear and fear of failure.

We fail our existence by only avoiding failure. This is a new day and season. It is time to stop putting our dreams on the back-burner, writing them off as "foolish" and "unrealistic". Why is it foolish and unrealistic to want the best out of life with God?

We have such a miraculous existence that cannot go to waste. It breaks God's heart when we just "pass by" and follow fear as our master.

It's time to march forth into our dreams and destinies.

It is your choice whether you want to follow God and allow Him to bring you the fullest existence possible. It is a path full of fulfilled dreams, ultimate purpose, and life-changing love.

The world doesn't owe you anything, but God wants to give you everything. 

Photo by: Matthew Freres