Against The Wind

As we make steps forward in life, there usually seems to be a wind that blows us back a step or two. We become frustrated and begin to question whether the trek forward is even worth it...

I don't know about you, but lately I've felt the brunt of some pretty harsh wind against me. There have been some changes that I've made to move forward, but then of course, I begin to feel resistance.

Whether this resistance is emotional, physical, or spiritual, it can become debilitating in our walk with God, if we let it.  

While it's not always the easiest example and lesson to accept, our strength and muscle is not built through coasting, but through resisting. When you lift weights, you're resisting a force that wants to push you back from where you're trying to go. This can be painful. In essence, it's a process of pure strain and stress, but when you complete this process, you come out of it stronger. Your muscles are forced to rebuild and the weight that was so heavy before is now lighter.

I don't do a perfect job of dealing with the winds of resistance in my life. There have been many times, even recently, where I allow doubt and fear to enter my mind. But God is graceful and He keeps me moving forward even when I don't feel strong enough. As weak as I may feel in these winds, I look back on things that God has helped me overcome in the past and I truly realize how those things have made me stronger. I am thankful for the strength built in me from past winds.

Whatever resistance you may be facing now, don't view it as a punishment. View it for what it really is: An opportunity to become stronger, so that you may move on and achieve feats with God that you could not before.

Stay the course. Move forward against the wind. Feel the strength slowly build inside of you...and maybe, one of these days, you'll experience a miracle that causes the winds to shift and propel you forward. Winds change direction. Don't forget that. 

*Photo Credit: Matthew Freres

*Photo Credit: Matthew Freres