How did I get here?

It certainly has been a long time since I've written anything here on my blog. I can't even begin to describe how much has happened and how vastly life has changed in this period of time.  

Everything from saying goodbye to friends and family to moving out to California to pursue my dreams in film. You know, the little stuff. 

Anyways, as I sit here in Los Angeles on this cool morning enjoying a cup of coffee and book before work, I'm struck with one thought:

How did I get here? 

Moving to California has certainly put so much into perspective for me, including leaving my family and friends in Illinois.  

I ask this question, because I have had so many moments lately of questioning how I will make it moving forward. When you live a life of pursuing your true dreams and passion, it can honestly be terrifying and make you question everything about who you are. If we're not careful, these doubts and fears can hold us back not only from moving forward, but from living fully present in the moment today. 

But I have found that when I ask myself how I did, in fact, get here, I begin to see my whole journey in life up until this point. In seeing this, I realize not only how much I've worked and sacrificed, but how blessed and moved by God I've been to get here. When I take all of this in and see all that has gone into getting to this present moment, the fear begins to slip away because I realize that my story has been so intentional thus far and God has put too much into my life for me to give into doubt and give up now.  

I share this not to put a sole focus on my life but as an encouragement to everyone reading this. We all experience doubt and fear with how to move forward in our lives, especially when we care so deeply about where we're going. But if you take a moment to ask yourself simply how you got here, then that reflection of your journey may be the answer you need to move forward. 

Your story is too important to give up on now. God says so. I agree. Hopefully you will too.  

