Stand Your Ground

Whenever we come across an opposing force blocking our path in life, it's tempting to feel anxious and fearful.

It's never planned and always unexpected. Caught off guard, we realize that this force won't let us move forward and we become doubtful of the path that lies ahead. But we we're not created to be fearful and doubtful.

We were created to be bold and confident in God's favor. We're called to follow God's path at all costs.

It may seem very tempting to run away or back down from the opposing force that is in your way but that is not what God calls us to do. Take for example, the scenario of running into a tiger out in the wild. The two of you come face to face. The tiger is blocking you from moving forward and you don't know what to do. One option is to turn around and run away. If you do this, the tiger will immediately think of you as prey and quickly chase after you and take you down. Option two is to curl up in a ball and submit yourself to the tiger. Well, guess what? The tiger will see you as defenseless, think of you as prey, and eat you. 

You're saying to yourself, "What am I supposed to do then? I can't fight a tiger!".

You may not be able to fight a tiger, but you can do something else: grit your teeth. Grit your teeth, stomp your feet and chest, and get as violently loud as possible. Make yourself appear bigger and stronger than the tiger. Show it passionately and don't take no for an answer. If you do this, the tiger will eventually back down and run away.

God wants us to stand our ground against the tigers in our paths. He doesn't want us to take no for an answer. He wants us to say yes to the path He has ahead for us and trust Him to clear the way.

You may be dealing with an obstacle in your life that seems to be blocking you from moving forward. It's something that you know you can't defeat yourself. And you know that you can't back down. So embrace the beautiful strength God wants to give you. Stand your ground, grit your teeth, scream loud and yell "NO!" at the obstacle in front of you.

Trust me, that obstacle will run away like a scaredy cat. 

*Photo Credit: Matthew Freres

*Photo Credit: Matthew Freres