Adventure is Required

How many of us feel like we are adventurous people?

I think a lot of us enjoy adventure but we quickly discover that true adventure requires risk. Risk requires us to let go of our own sense of security. That's scary.

Of course, this leads us to re-thinking which risks we actually want to take and we begin to become less adventurous. We start to get our excitement purely through other peoples extraordinary stories, or just trying a new ice cream flavor.

But is that really being adventurous?

You may not feel adventurous. The weight of risk may lead you to thinking that there's no way you could lead a truly adventurous life. But if there's one thing I've discovered by trying to live deeper with God and Holy Spirit:


As we start to follow God even more and even deeper, He really leads our lives on a truly adventurous path. There's different seasons and times of rest, but our journey really becomes an adventure full of constant risk and uncertainty. 

It's scary but it's worth it.

It can be easy to look at that path and say that it will just crumble and fail. But what is the alternative? If you want to follow God with all of your heart, He requires adventure.

So we all have a choice. Either we can say no to adventure, avoid risk, and slowly start to live a life of regret...OR...we can take the plunge and say yes to all of the adventure that God has for us.

God isn't amazing just so we can live safe, quiet lives...He is infinite so that we can live the most adventurous, exciting lives possible.

Stop obsessing over other peoples adventures and seek your own with God.

*Photo Credit: Matthew Freres

*Photo Credit: Matthew Freres