Desperate for Depth

How far are we willing to swim? Will we let the depth of the ocean scare us? Or will we let it excite us at the possibility of what God has in those waters?

Life is too short to settle for shallow. The deeper I grow in intimacy with God, the more I realize how deep love and existence can be with Him. But that realization comes with a choice: how deep are we willing to go with Him?

You see, a lot of us love the thought of God doing amazing things in our lives. But then we let the reality of life scare us and we choose to grab onto only what is safe and reasonable. I've been there. It's understandable. The danger in that, of course, is that we begin to settle and slowly let go of the amazing possibilities God has for us.

He wants better for us.

Not only does God want better for us than settling, He wants us to be absolutely desperate for His depth. We can't just wake up each day "kind of" wanting amazing, deeper lives. We have to be desperate for it! We have to be desperate for Him. Because if we're not, we'll back away too easily from the risks He wants us to take.

If you think your existence here in this life is just to do everything as safe and reasonably as you can, I'd ask you to reconsider. So would God. That's not what changes the world. And He wants us to live world-changing lives.

Join me in letting go of a "settling" mentality and let your heart develop a desperate thirst for depth. God's depth. Don't be like someone who buys a big pool just to sit around it. Dive into the deep end and see what's there.

From dust to light, from breath to life, I desperately seek the depth from which something came from nothing.

*Photo Credit: Matthew Freres

*Photo Credit: Matthew Freres