Anxiety is a distracting thing.
This may seem like an obvious observation to make for those of us who have struggled with anxiety, whether big or small. Our minds become consumed with whatever anxious thought is running through our head; constantly projecting the worrying image or phrase onto our mind's eye in an endless repeat.
Of course, the things we worry about usually end up being completely false. Or it may even turn out to be something that blesses us.
I have struggled with anxiety my entire life. Whether it's worrying about pleasing another person or somehow gaining an irrational fear, anxiety has been a crippling thing in my life and faith in a lot of ways. Not only does it hinder my trust in God, but it just keeps me from getting to enjoy each moment of everyday. And I honestly can't really think of a time when something I was incredibly anxious about turned out to be true. No matter what, God can turn the things were anxious about into blessings.
Anxiety is merely a negative distraction from something deeper and more important in our lives.
If you start to look at the thing you're really anxious about, you start to realize that it isn't really the pressing issue in your life. For example, there was a time when I struggled with an irrational fear about my health. I would think that something really bad was just going to happen to me. There was no logical grounds or real reason as to why I should fear this, but anxiety can cause random irrational fears. God finally brought me a clear revelation that the anxious foreboding I had over my health was completely untrue. And what I discovered was that the issue I needed to address in my life wasn't this bad thing that I thought would happen, but that I should start just focusing on my health in general in a positive way. This lead me to start actually getting healthier in my life and to start letting go of anxiety.
The thing I feared wasn't the issue. It was just an irrational, evil distortion of the truth.
So, there may be something you have a lot of anxiety about in your life at the moment. It may be causing you to be really scared or negative. But try not to look at the fear you're holding as something that's true. Start looking deeper and asking yourself, "What truth is this fear distracting me from?".
Satan wants us to be scared. But when you're scared, it's just a distraction from a blessing that God is so desperately trying to give to you.
If there's something really scaring you, it means the blessing coming to you is double that fear's size.
*Photo Credit: Matthew Freres