Into the Unknown...

It's funny.

I would not have guessed that I would be here right now creating my own website. Thankfully I've had the wonderful services and help of Squarespace and other creative people to aid me in this endeavor. A chance to create a unique housing of my creative work. A home to draw others in to view and experience my art.

I've never done this before. I mean, I've created Facebooks, Youtubes, Twitters, Xangas, etc.. But I've never attempted to create my own website before. The thought and action of it is a very foreign thing to me. It requires me to step into the unknown.

Often, we have to step into the unknown in order to move to where God is calling us to in our lives.

We talk about it all the time. How much we love adventure. How much we love to take chances and risk it all. But how often do we actually do that with our lives? And I'm not talking about trying the latest mystery flavor of Mountain Dew or guessing who's going to win the Super Bowl.

I'm talking about those callings in our heart to adventures that hold no map.

It could be a mission trip to a foreign country. It could be a relationship asking you to trust God and take a chance. It could be a dream job asking you to leave your "ideal career" and to chase after it. It could be giving up everything you have right now and seeing where God leads you. 

And as much as we desire these kinds of things, we get scared. We get worried that we might be wrong and that we may fail and that our lives will be forever ruined. So we decide to label those callings in our heart as "misguided" and we stay in our safe, known way of life. It may be nice for a while. But if it doesn't hit you right away, eventually it will wear you down and you will realize how much you wish for more out of life.

For me, I don't quite know what this new chapter will bring. But I am excited knowing that I am following one of those callings in my heart. I don't believe it is misguided. It requires me to go out of my comfort zone and trust that God won't fail in leading and blessing me.

What callings do you hear in your heart? What unmapped adventure do you need to embark on? Where do you need to go with God?   

Photo Credit: Matthew Freres