Timing is Everything

How many times in our life have we heard that phrase, "Timing is everything."? 

I know for myself that hearing those words has both encouraged and infuriated me all at once. The encouragement comes from the knowledge that good things happen in their proper time; that those blessings WILL happen. The infuriation comes from the thought that I may have to wait instead of getting what I want today. 

I'm a patient person but there are times when waiting just really sucks.

As crudely put as that sounds, it's true. If I know that I have a blessing coming why can't I have it today? Right now?

The desire to experience blessings and good things in the present moment is not an inappropriate feeling. This desire becomes a toxic thing when it starts to distract us from what God is trying to do today. It can lead us to becoming negative about our current circumstances and we slowly become unappreciative of the things we already have been blessed with in life. And I'm not just talking about big things as blessings. I am also talking about the smallest detailed blessings: food, water, shelter, provision, loved ones, etc.. 

And while we may want that blessing today, we might not enjoy it as fully if we're given it right away.

Take this specific example: Think about how you'd spend $5 when you were five years old versus when you're twenty-five years old. Hopefully, I'd assume, you would handle that $5 much wiser when you're twenty-five than when your were five. But when you're five, you're not thinking about that. You're thinking about how much you want $5 right then and how you'll use it to get that awesome pack of Pokemon cards because Pikachu rules.

Anyways...you get my point. While there are many times when God blesses us with what we want right when we want it, there are many times when God asks us to WAIT for that desire to be fulfilled.

Because timing is everything. And He doesn't want to give us a blessing at the wrong time, even if it's a hair off, or else that blessing may not fully blossom into what God designed it to be. And that can rob us of a lot of growth and joy.

So if there's something wonderful that you're excited about and want today, and it's not yet here, trust God's timing. Because while you think that blessing would be great today...

...it will be even more AMAZING tomorrow.