Have you ever felt like you’ve been trying to constantly figure out so many things in your life at once that you form a headache and can’t even handle the decision of what to eat for dinner?
Maybe this is a feeling that isn’t foreign to most of us. At least, I hope it isn’t just me.
Clearly, we spend the entirety of our lives constantly growing and changing and figuring things out. It seems to be a rarity, to me, that we ever spend long stretches of life where nothing’s to be discovered. Stability is something that we need and seek as humans, but unexpected variables always seem to find a way into our lives.
What I’m trying to get at though, is the feeling of particular moments in our lives. “Compressed Seasons”, if you will, where your focus is not just on one thing, but on everything. It feels like you’re in an endless wander, trying to figure out the purpose of every area of your life, whether it be a relationship, a job, a passion, or even a meal.
I’ve certainly been in places where everything in your life changes, even geographically, and you’re put in a season where you have to find all these new things. You have to wander around for new jobs, new relationships, etc., until you find your place for that season. When you finally do find your place, it’s an incredible feeling that allows you to take off and focus fully on just living it out. But it’s in that place before, the place of…
…endless wander…
…when you can become overwhelmed by all of the unknown. To that, I say, I hear ya. I’ve been there. I am there. And it’s not always easy. Some days are scary. Some are frustrating. Some are hopeful. In all of it though, God wants to show who He really is to you, whether it be your provider, comforter, even friend. He wants you to realize that you’re not alone in this place.
And He wants you to realize something else too: The wandering isn’t actually endless. It just feels that way until you bump into something brilliant.
So to all those who feel like they’re in that endless wandering place, myself included, don’t give up. Don’t give into fear and despair. Realize that you’re not alone in it and that the wandering will come to an end, and it will be so because you’ll have finally found your purpose for a new season of life.
And it will be endlessly brilliant and perfect.
Photo Credit: Matthew Freres