How many of us limit ourselves? How many of us say we can only do “this much”? How many of us put our capabilities in a box?
It’s an interesting process getting to know ourselves. We learn our strengths, our weaknesses, and we often find a content place to rest with how we’re wired up. Many of us set up our lives for comfort; setting a limit on what’s possible for us to experience in life. We look at the deep end and think, “Oh no, don’t need to swim that far. I’m good right here” But what if you’re not? Or more so, what if there’s more?
I’ve found on my faith journey with God that as I choose to move into each new season of life with Him, He always seems to call me to a deeper place of faith I didn’t think was possible before. This can be financially, personally, relationally, etc. There have been many points where I’ve looked at my strengths and weaknesses and thought, “I’m good with this” and disregarded that I could be capable of more.
Truth is, as human beings, we are limited. We can’t be great at everything. We have to embrace our unique nature and identities. But if we are really wanting to live a life of purpose, we have to be willing to remove the box of limitation we put on ourselves. We have to realize that God wants way more for us than we could ever imagine. This actually allows us to become more of who we actually are and see the glory of God through it all.
Complacency can be a dangerous thing. It can make us believe we’re just being grateful when we’re really just afraid of stepping outside of our comfort zone. We weren’t created so brilliantly and uniquely just to live complacent lives. We’re called to be grateful for who we are and what we have and to realize that God wants to continually give us more so that we can be lights in this world.
There are core things about my identity that won’t change, and I love that because that is who I really am. I also see how God has lead me to discover and do things I never thought I was capable of, but now know that they’re a part of who I really am. I want to continually go to new deeper places; I don’t want a box over my life.
You are capable of so much more than you could ever imagine. There are things hidden inside of you so wonderful, so brilliant, that God wants to bring out and show the world. Take the plunge, go further into the deep end and discover who you really are.
Photo Cred: Matthew Freres