As I sit here today. wondering about what you write, it’s become very apparent to me that this week’s post shouldn’t be about me.
It’s about you.
“What about me?'“ you may ask. Well, that’s a good question. The answer to that seems to be this:
You are worthy.
In many ways, it seems almost everyone in life struggles at one point or another with feeling worthy; worthy of the good things in life. Some of you reading this today may be struggling with this. You may feel as though, for whatever reason it may be, you’re not worthy of good things in life. That you’re not worthy of love. That you’re not worthy of respect. That you’re not worthy of feeling fulfilled in your life. That you’re not worthy of true joy.
You feel this, thinking that these kinds of thoughts come from a grounded place of reality; viewing it as though it’s okay to not feel worthy, even though it ultimately makes you feel so low. These thoughts don’t come from a humble place. They come from the hurt places inside of us. The places that even go back to the early parts of our lives. It makes you believe it’s more realistic to feel unworthy than it is to expect the good things out of life.
These thoughts are lies. No matter the realities of hurt they were born out of, we’re not meant to operate under those thought patterns. You are worthy. You are worthy of love and joy. You are worthy of being celebrated and accepted. You are beautifully made with a story that is uniquely yours. There are so many wonderful things about you; too many to count. The world needs what you hold. There is love out there, waiting for you. You deserve to be loved, just the way you are.
So if you’re reading this today, struggling with unworthiness, hopefully, at the very least, this could serve as a spark to the truth that you are wonderful and are worthy of all the beauty of life. Don’t let those lies consume you’re thinking. Replace them with better thoughts; thoughts that speak to your brilliance.
When we beat ourselves up, we just put ourselves in a box. It’s time to get out of the box.
Photo Cred: Matthew Freres